Monday 24 January 2011

Analysing Front Cover

In today's first lesson we were taking down notes from a PowerPoint Miss Breen had prepared about basically a front cover of a magazine. Then using those notes we were given a picture of a magazine front cover (shown below) in the second lesson and we had to analyse it, using the notes miss had given us in the first lesson. Also along with it, writing a audience profile, basically saying who it's for, what age group, and why we thought this. Instead of me writing out all the analysing i did on the front cover of this magazine, it will be shown in the picture below, if anyone is curious to what i had said about it.


For media on Thursday we got to experiment with photoshop and create our own front cover for a nature magazine. We went out of school to get pictures of nature outside of the school, Netteswell pond seemed to be highly popular in our class. I was one of those who had taken a picture of Netteswell, just before our camera ran out of battery, one of the pictures i had taken was a picture of the stream coming off of Netteswell. When i had gotten back to class, i began to edit my picture i had chosen out of the variety i had taken. As i couldn't actually save the work i had done, and do not have photoshop at home this is my substitute for now. Enjoy :) 

Tuesday 18 January 2011

My lesson in photoshopping

Well in yesterday's lesson we had two technicians come in to teach us how to use photoshop correctly. I learnt all the basic stuff which is more than what i knew before, so its all good :). I learnt about how you can take away any part of the picture you dont want, and put it back if you made a mistake. We also was taught about how you can edit the colour and text. It was all very exciting :D

Monday 17 January 2011

Photo shop

We will be using photo shop in our next lesson, and basically i have never used it before and i will fail once again. All smiles round :)

Following people

In todays lesson Monday 17th January, i have been trying to follow people, but kinda failing at the moment.

Sunday 16 January 2011

media studies lesson 13th january

In my lesson on Thursday 13th January we firstly went into Mrs Rodgers room to get a laptop for ourselves, then we looked at a powerpoint for our next task in media studies. The powerpoint was information on AS G321 Foundation Portfolio in Media, after taking notes down we had to grab a laptop to sign up on blogger, for those who successfully signed up on blogger we began to follow others on this site. That is what consisted in our media studies lesson.