Sunday 13 February 2011

Magazine front cover and contents page

Finally, our last task of this was to actually put our draft into neat. I did this by using photoshop, although i had alot of problems with it and alot of help, i managed to do it, thankfully. We had to make two A4 sheets, so it would look like a realistic magazine cover and contents page. We had to upload the pictures we had taken before we started on the photoshop. When we uploaded the pictures for the front cover we were able to get started, many had a few problems including me :/ i edited my pictures to make it fit to my draft. and i may of pinched a few pictures off of the internet :). I wanted to make it all go together, so it wasnt a front cover that plain, or unorganised. I did the same with the contents page, after doing the front cover we went to take pictures for it, and did the same process again.
Here is my front cover and contents page...

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