Monday 7 March 2011

Q magazine

Audience profile
i would say from looking at the front cover of this magazine the genre for this magazine would be for everyone!  i would say that it is aimed at both genders, also being an monthly magazine, it is a magazine for all artists, all types of music, so it is basically made to suit every audience. I would say the age for this magazine is targeted at would be 16 - 20. like i said for both geders, there is no indication showing it is only made for one gender.
The colours
The colours that have been used are very neutral, they are colours that can be used for both genders, the colours are thought to be unisex colours. No colours that have been used can be classed in a stereotypical manner, none of these colours would be classed to be just for boys or girls. red is a very common colour for both genders, also it is quite common for red to be majority of girls favourite colours. also the use of black, white, and grey all colours that are not thought to be anyones favourite colour, or colour of choice for male or females. 
the images 
Being that it is Lady GaGa, one of the most famous and well known, popular artists of our day, i would say that the picture is a big eye catcher, being who it is, also the way the picture has been posed. Its a very good idea to have a popular artist as the main focus of the magazine, also having a woman who is in good shape half naked, but in a tasteful way, is a good eye catcher. its good to have just one main focus, and by having it covering the name of the title slightly makes it have a feeling, it was thought out, and doesnt make it look plain.

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